GUAR GUM SXL-30 is a modified hydrocolloid, manufactured by Sunita Hydrocolloids Private Limited by using state of the art technology to manage rheological properties of various petfood applications.
GUAR GUM SXL-30 is a hydrocolloid, which is a galactomannan polysaccharide obtained from the ground endosperm of the legume Cyamopsis tetragonolobus. Due to the non-ionic nature of the product, it is suitable for use across a broad pH range and finds applications in neutral as well as acidic systems.
GUAR GUM SXL-30 gives perfect synergy with Kappa Carrageenan and Xanthan Gum and imparts higher gel strength compared to Locust Bean Gum (LBG). The product provides thickening, freeze thaw stability, and smooth flow properties when used in mixtures with Xanthan and Kappa Carrageenan.

SHPL’s Laboratories equipped with the latest technologies and a skilled workforce follow international quality standards which ensure high-quality reports.

25 kg multi-walled paper bag with polyethylene liner as a moisture barrier. Product can be provided in desired packings.

It is suggested to store product in a dry and cool place, away from heat and out of the sun. Once package is opened, consume within reasonable time.

Best if used within 24 months from the month of manufacture, under proper storage conditions.

Material Safety Data Sheet is available on request.