Prestar: Your Trusted Source for Pregelatinized Starch
PRESTAR is a cold water pre-gelatinized corn starch. It reduces time / cost compared to traditional starch paste preparation.
Pregelatinized corn starch is widely used as a pharmaceutical aid, especially as a filler-binder. In pharma applications, PRESTAR greatly endues the compressibility as well as improves the fluidity of the tablets.
PRESTAR is also used as a thickener, texturing and stabilizing agent in cream fillings, canned/ packaged sauces, soup mixes, gravies, ketchup, pastry cream, dairy desserts, and other food product industries.

The product is supplied in 25 kg multi-walled paper bags with a polyethylene liner constituting a moisture barrier. Product packaging is customizable based on the customer’s preference.

The product must be stored in a cool and dry place, away from heat, and out of direct sunlight. After opening the package, the product should be consumed within a reasonable time.

The Material Safety Data Sheet is available upon request.